No feriado mais frio de que há memória, decidi aceitar o convite dum amigo para ir vê-lo pintar no centro da cidade.
Ele e uns amigos, os Borel Art, já costumam espalhar daquilo que fazem melhor um pouco por todo o lado e, desta vez, fizeram-no em plena luz do dia (enublada, mais).
In the coldest ever existing holiday, I decided to accept a friend's invitation to go see him paint in the center of the city.
He and a couple of friends, Borel Art, already spread a bit of what they do best everywhere and, this time, they did in during day light (more cloudy than anything else).
Num momento que poderia ser cinematográfico, este senhor encostou o
carro para entregar um cartão pessoal com a pick up line
"Vocês também conseguem fazer isso numa parede?
Entrem em contacto comigo para virem pintar a Almada.
In what could be a cinematographic moment, this gentleman pulled up his car
to give a business card with the following pick up line
"Can you do that on a wall?
Give me a call to come paint to Almada".
In what could be a cinematographic moment, this gentleman pulled up his car
to give a business card with the following pick up line
"Can you do that on a wall?
Give me a call to come paint to Almada".
Sim, eles conseguem pintar em paredes E ir a Almada.
Yup, they can paint on a wall AND go to Almada.
Yup, they can paint on a wall AND go to Almada.
O projecto chama-se Reciclar o Olhar
quer trazer mais cor, criatividade e alegria
(principalmente quando se está parado no trânsito nesta bela avenida)
e está aberto a qualquer pessoa.
The project is called Reciclar o Olhar
and wants to bring more colour, criativity and joy
(specially when we're stuck in traffic in this beautiful avenue)
and it's open to anyone.
Desde a senhora com cara desconfiada mas que logo traçava rasgados elogios
até aos miúdos que se queriam aproximar e tocar em tudo,
foi uma tarde que compensou o reumático
com a energia de querer melhorar um pedaço da cidade (de cada vez).
From the lady with suspicious look than soon would praise them enormously
to kids that wanted to get closer and touch it all,
it was an afternoon that made up the rheumatic
with energy of wanting to improve a piece of the city (each time).
From the lady with suspicious look than soon would praise them enormously
to kids that wanted to get closer and touch it all,
it was an afternoon that made up the rheumatic
with energy of wanting to improve a piece of the city (each time).